Say Goodbye To Your Frequent Target Or Home Depot Trip With These Useful Hacks

Published on 08/09/2020

Shirt Loops

Did you know that you will not only find shirt loops in t-shirts? They actually come with nice collared shirts as well. This is a practice that has roots in the Navy. When you are out at sea, you do not have a lot of closet space. It is how sailors hang their clothes on hooks! In the ‘60s, college kids used them to keep them neat when they go to the gym. They are often left on to show class and quality these days.

Shirt Loops

Shirt Loops


Gas Gauge Arrow

If you’ve ever got into a gas station and had a moment of silence, wondering which side your gas tank is on, you’re probably not alone. Do you want to never worry about it? Yes, there is a way to know where it is located, and it is the arrow beside the gas gauge. This arrow shows which side of the car the gas tank is on. If the arrow points left, the gas tank is on the left. If it points right, it’s on your right. This arrow was made available to cars that were manufactured in 2010 up to now. Just imagine how a small thing like this arrow we don’t notice in our is helpful.

Gas Gauge Arrow

Gas Gauge Arrow