Not only is it uncomfortable to have to sleep next to someone who snores, but it’s even more uncomfortable when that person is you. In any case, this snoring could indicate a heart problem. Snoring doesn’t have to be a bad thing, but if you hear strange noises from time to time, you may have breathing problems, which could be a sign of heart disease. Pay attention to this even with those sleeping next to you. Another sign could be the stopping of the heartbeat for a few seconds (sleep apnea). This is a very common problem and there are already several treatments available. However, it is best to consult a doctor about it

Pain in the upper body and arms
Do you feel indefinable pain in your arms and chest? You are probably suffering from heart problems and should react immediately! In the case of an impending heart attack, the pain usually starts in the upper body and then radiates to the shoulders and neck. But this is not always the case! The pain can also start in other parts of the body. For example, in the right or left arm, in the back or even in the mouth. There are many possible causes and there are no standardized rules. One thing is certain, however: consult a doctor urgently if you have pain in your arms!

Pain in the upper body and arms